FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Can we raise livestock or poultry inside the City limits?

The short answer is no livestock or poultry may not be held inside the city limits of Mount Carmel.

The exception to this rule is you must have a fenced tract of land containing not less than 10 acres and having an average width of not less than 300 feet, but in no event shall such livestock or poultry be housed or confined within 200 feet of a tract of land that is  one acre or less, containing a single-family residence. Then if you meet the criteria listed you may only raise quantities reasonably sufficient for the immediate consumption by the occupants of the premises.

Does my pet have to be on a leash or chain?

Yes. Dogs and cats are not permitted to run at large in the city at any time. Animals which are on any street, alley, sidewalk or other public place or upon the private premises of any person without  being securely on a leash or confined in an animal-tight enclosure, shall be deemed to be running at large. Animals which are running at large shall be taken up and impounded by the animal control officer. 

What can I do if my neighbor’s dog barks all the time?

Call Animal Control at 618-262-7109 or the Sheriff’s Office 618-262-4186.

City Ordinance 585 states: No person or persons shall keep or maintain any dog or dogs within the city, which disturbs the peace and quiet of any neighborhood or person by frequent and long continued barking and/or howling.


What do I do if there is a dog loose in my neighborhood?

Call Animal Control at 618-262-7109 or the Sheriff’s Office 618-262-4186.

The City ordinance 1006 states that dogs are not permitted to run at large within the city. A dog running at large means: Anytime outside owners home the dog must be on a leash unless inside an enclosed area of the private yard. It can be enclosed using an invisible fence.